I am 100% Car Girl, I have been since I was a little girl helping my dad restore his old Ford Mustangs, or ditching the barbies so I could add to my matchbox car collection. There was always something that drew me to cars, my dream cars in the 80's was a Trans-Am and the Mazda RX7. I couldn't quite convince my parents on my first car being a Trans-Am, but was thrilled with a Chevy Camaro V8. Now days at 47 years old, with 15 plus years in the luxury automotive business and now as an owner of a marketing company that specializes in automotive marketing, I have had or have access to an array of dream cars. I will admit, I have become quite jaded when it comes to luxury and exotic cars, that is however until my company
took on Post Oak Motor Cars and their new Bugatti franchise.
To say I have a new love affair with a automotive brand is an understatement. I am simply infatuated with the Bugatti brand, and in particular the Chiron.
Recently we put together Bugatti Houston's two day private driving event for some of their top Chiron prospects and interested clientele. We partnered with The Woodlands exclusive Carlton Woods Golf Club, which allowed us the privacy plus the smooth open roads outside of the city. Each guest spent about two hours with the team in town from Bugatti along with race car driver Butch Leitzinger, whom took them for 45 minutes of both showing them what the Chiron could do, but accompanying them when they were turned over the wheel.
On day two, after we took care of our guest, it was my turn to experience this magnificent vehicle with Butch. As we drove outside of the gated walls of Carlton Woods, Butch was going over some various details of the Chiron, then as we had a bit of open road ahead of us, asked "Are you ready Diane?" and before I knew it, we launched off like a rocket! In all my years I have never experienced the amount of g-force that the Chiron showed me. The feeling of being pinned into the seat, unable to move, but feeling your insides moving against your spine, well needless to say was a first for me! It was a bit frightening as you see cars ahead of you, but also extremely fun as you know this isn't Butch's first rodeo and you are in good hands. ha!
And then it was my turn...as we pulled over to switch seats, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. But to my surprise the Chiron offers effortless driving. I put it in Autobahn mode and it was as easy to drive as my Porsche 911 or Jaguar Ftype R. I laughed and said to Butch "OMG, I could drive this to the grocery store and run errands"
There may be other supercars out there that break records by a few seconds, but lets be clear, none of them are as much works of art as the Bugatti Chiron is. None with the history and craftsmanship that Bugatti offers. This is a whole other level of supercar and one that is unmatched in my opinion. It truly is a beauty AND a beast wrapped up into one glorious vehicle and am one blessed #CarGirl to have had my few days with the Chiron. Until we meet again my love. :)